Fiscal Year 2015-2016


Mountain Light UUC Board Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2015

Attending: Gayle Wood, President; Terry Woehr, Treasurer; Kasey Castleberry and Kathy Romanick, Members at Large; Gerry Barker, Newsletter. Absent: Ann Low, Secretary.

It was determined that a quorum was present. A motion was made by Kathy to approve the Minutes from the Nov 8, 2015 board meeting. The motion passed.

Team Reports

Treasurer: Terry said our net income for November was $1860 which is unusually high. The yard sale fundraiser accounts for $466 of the income. Overall net income for the period of July through November 2015 is negative $300. Current assets in bank account and CDs totals $24,032.

Terry discussed the need to create a building fund for a possible building purchase in the future. Kathy made a motion that ML establish a building fund beginning Dec 2015 and that 10% of the monthly net income be designated for this fund. In discussion it was decided that this fund would be a separate line item on the budget, but will not be a separate bank account.

Membership: Linda reported that our average membership for Nov. was 36.5

Social Justice: Helen selected Gilmer Nursing Home residents as the recipients of the December Giving Tree. A list of gift ideas was shared with the congregation.

Yukon Road Cleanup: deferred

Newsletter/Website: see notes under New Business for Communications Team formation.

Sunday Services: Laura Burton has stepped down from her position as team leader. Bruce Wood has agreed to serve as chair. A motion was made by Terry to appoint Bruce as leader of this team. The motion was passed.

Tails Creek Occupancy Status: ML is continuing on a month to month rental agreement with the U. S. Marshal’s office. Gayle reported that the Craddock Center offered us 5 rooms of their facility for the months of Jan through May. Because we would have to vacate the Center on June 1, we cannot accept their offer. There were no other new church home options presented.

R.E.: Kathy reported R.E. continues to be well attended (12-15 kids) and will continue twice a month as scheduled.

Fundraising: there is currently no chair for this committee.

Finance Committee: This is an ad hoc committee that will need to form in the spring to develop a budget for the coming year.

Old Business


New Business

Kasey said that keeping the public and our congregation informed is essential to our survival and growth. He expressed concern about the coordination and timely dissemination of information from our existing media (website, newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, newspaper ads) and from our Sunday Services committee. He also suggested we look into establishing Instagram, Pinterest and Linked In pages.

Kathy made a motion that we reestablish a Communications Team whose lead will oversee and assist MLUUC’s media managers in keeping our communication outlets up to date. The motion passed.

A second motion was made by Kathy to appoint Kasey as the Communications team lead. During discussion it was decided that this team lead will serve as a liaison to the board and provide a consolidated report on behalf of all our media/communication outlets. The motion passed.

Sandwich Sunday: In light of the holidays it was decided to cancel Sandwich Sunday for Dec 20 and instead plan a holiday potluck for Dec 27. This will follow the Moravian Love Feast which is scheduled for the service that day.

The meeting was adjourned and the next meeting will be Sunday, Jan 10, 2016.