Sunday Attendance

2016 November 27
"Peace Train"

20 Active
00 Inactive
08 Friends
02 Visitors
10 Youths (RE = 10)
01 Speaker: Lord David-Michael Searcy)
41 Total (core = 28)

Mary Anderson
Geraldine Barker*
Alysha Burch
Laura Burton*
Kasey Castleberry
Adrienne Corticelli
Sam Davis
Helen Greene
David Johnson
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Wendy Klimbal
Ann Low*
Gretchen Norris
Tom Norris*
Karl Seidman
Terry Woehr*
Ed Wolpert*
Bruce Wood
Gayle Wood*


Jan Blaskay
Gary Blaskay
Ahna Carlson
Freddy Fairman
Becky Johnson
Nancy King
John Myers
Diana Rae

Tom Kerber (2nd visit)
Teresa McCormack (1st visit)

Audrey Hightower (Klimbal)
Makayla Hightower (Klimbal)
Taven Hightower (Klimbal)
Blaise Hulsey
Anthony Klimbal
Jacob (Klimbal)
Emma Sanford
JJ Sanford
Savannah Sanford
Rayven Greene

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). We had a Thanksgiving meal after the service and a special Board meeting. *Attended Board meeting.