Sunday Attendance

2016 August 28
"A Spiritual Response to Hate and Ignorance"

25 Active
01 Inactive
06 Friends
00 Visitors
13 Youths (RE = 12)
00 Speaker
45 Total (core = 32)

Mary Anderson
Thomas Ash (service leader)
Geraldine Barker
Ben Bradley
Alysha Burch
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry (speaker)
Adrienne Corticelli
Aimee Cribbs
Rachel DeBruce
Helen Greene
David Johnson
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Wendy Klimbal
Ann Low
Robert Low
Gretchen Norris
Tom Norris
Kathy Romanick
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr
Ed Wolpert
Bruce Wood
Gayle Wood

Louise Sweat

Jan Blaskay
Nancy King
Diana Rae
Diana Reif
Udo Reif
Michael Romanick


Hanah Al-Bulushi
Ava DeBruce
Ella DeBruce
Emilee (Taylor) DeBruce
Kiki (Kiera) DeBruce
Michael DeBruce
Patches DeBruce
Ruthie DeBruce
Audrey Hightower (Klimbal)
Makayla Hightower (Klimbal)
Taven Hightower (Klimbal)
Anthony Klimbal
Ivory (Klimbal)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). LarryJo Weas falls off the active roster after missing services for six months.