Sunday Attendance

2016 July 03
"Linking Spirituality with Physical Fitness and Recreation"

23 Active
01 Inactive
09 Friends
04 Visitors
01 Youths
01 Speaker (Mark Bodnar)
39 Total (core = 33)

Geraldine Barker
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry*
Adrienne Corticelli
Aimee Cribbs
Blenda Fairman
Helen Greene*
David Johnson
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Ann Low*
Robert Low
Pam Moran
Gretchen Norris
Tom Norris*
Kathy Romanick
Karl Seidman
Laura Sturgis
Ron Sturgis
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr*
Bruce Wood (service leader)
Gayle Wood*

Louise Sweat

Jan Blaskay
Chris Cribbs
Freddy Fairman
Becky Johnson
Erik Johnson
Jerry Lott
Nancy King
Diana Rae
Michael Romanick

Alysha Burch (1st visit)
Patrick Cavigliano (1st visit)
Melanie Gillette (1st visit)
Arthur Nelson (1st visit)

Ronald Sturgis

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). Asterisk (*) indicates stayed for the BoD meeting. Alysha Burch showed up late, during discussion, but was counted because she had messaged her intent to visit but found the wrong address on Google and still came. Red, White, & Blue Desserts.