Weekly Attendance

2011 June 05
The Thing with Feathers

Active:   20
Inactive:  0
Friends:   0
Visitors:  4
Youths:    0
Speaker:   1 (Rev. Terry Davis)
Total:    25
Geraldine Barker
Karen Boyer
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry
David Center
Shirley Center
Danny Elrod
Bill Fargo
Judy Fargo
Dave Johnson (service leader)
Gary Kaupman
Myra Kibler
Robin Lewis-Wild
Martha Martin
Kathy Romanick
Bob Sherod
Donna Waddell
Jim Walker
Terry Woehr
Geri Zimmerman

Bob Donnell (unsure of last name)
Diane Ingram (1st visit)
Heart McQueen (1st visit)
Howard McQueen (1st visit)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC).