Weekly Attendance

2011 May 29
Dearly Beloved

Active:   24
Inactive:  1
Friends:   4
Visitors:  5
Youths:    1
Speaker:   1 (Rev. Dr. Edward Frost)
Total:    36
Geraldine Barker
Karen Boyer
Ben Bradley
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry
David Center
Shirley Center
Bill Fargo
Judy Fargo
Carol Johnson (service leader)
Dave Johnson
Gary Kaupman
Linda Kelly
Myra Kibler
Robin Lewis-Wild
Susan Maloney
Martha Martin
Sally Pamplin
Kathy Romanick
Donna Waddell
Diane Wickham
Richard Wilson (piano)
Terry Woehr
Geri Zimmermann

Janet Dunsmore

Chris Lippincott
Liz Lippincott
Allen Palmer
Mary Jane Palmer

Mike Davis (1st visit)
Sam Davis (1st visit)
Deb Lane (1st visit unsure about last name)
Mark Watson (1st visit)
Tiffany Watson (1st visit)

Lucas Watson (child of Mark and Tiffany)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC).