Weekly Attendance

2011 April 10
Losing One's Religion; Finding One's Religion

Active:   17
Inactive:  1
Friends:   3
Visitors:  1
Youths:    0
Speaker:   0
Total:    22
Geraldine Barker
Karen Boyer (joined)
Kasey Castleberry
Shirley Center
Carol Johnson (service leader)
David Johnson
Myra Kibler
Martha Martin
David Noel
Kathy Romanick
Louise Sweat
Donna Waddell (speaker)
Jim Walker
Richard Wilson (piano)
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr
Geri Zimmermann

Janet Dunsmore

Chris Lippincott
Rita Gotz
Uldis Gotz

Carl ?

Note: From attendance sheet (KC). Linda Kelly was supposed to be Service Leader but did not make it to the service.