Weekly Attendance

2011 February 06
Transformational Experience: A Participatory Service

Active:   21
Inactive:  0
Friends:   1
Visitors:  2
Youths:    0
Speakers:  0
Total:    24
Kasey Castleberry
David Center (speaker)
Shirley Center (service leader)
Danny Elrod
Bill Fargo
Judy Fargo
David Johnson
Gary Kaupman
Linda Kelly
Myra Kibler
Robin Lewis-Wild
Martha Martin
Sally Pamplin
Kathy Romanick
Bob Sherod
Louise Sweat
Jim Walker
Richard Wilson (piano)
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr
Geri Zimmermann

Linda Pignola

Sherrie Faughender (1st visit)
Cathy Roth (1st visit)

Note: The attendance sheet was incomplete (?), but Kasey was able to fill in some of the missing names from his photos and from visitor sheets.