Mother Spirit, Father Spirit

Mother Spirit, Father Spirit, where are you
In the sky song, in the forest, sounds your cry,
What to give you, what to call you, what am I?

Many drops are in the ocean, deep and wide.
Sunlight bounces off the ripples to the sky.
What to give you, what to call you, who am I?

I am empty, time flies from me; what is time?
Dreams eternal, fears infernal haunt my heart.
What to give you, what to call you, O, my God?

Mother Spirit, Father Spirit, take our hearts.
Take our breath and let our voices sing our parts.
Take our hands and let us work to shape our art.

Words: Norbert F. Câpek, 1870-1942†
trans. by Paul and Anita Munk, © 1992 UUA†
English version by Richard Frederick Bock, 1931- †
Music: Norbert F. Câpek, 1870-1942†
harmony by David Dawson, 1939- †