Bylaws (2003)

Mountain Light Unitarian Universalist Church

This earlier version was approved by the congregation on 2003 May 25.

Article I. Name.

The name of this congregation shall be the Mountain Light Unitarian Universalist Church, Inc.

Article II. Purpose.

The purpose of this congregation shall be to establish, maintain, and house a congregtion dedicated to the principles and purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and to provide a spiritual home for religious liberals.

Article III. Membership. (Note: 2 "A"s)

  1. Membership Requirements

    1. A statement, signed once by the member, agreeing to support the principles and purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association, including its policy that we welcome into membership all persons without regard to race, color, sex, affectual or sexual orientation, age, or national origin; and

    2. Each member is expected to financially support the congregation's operation, commensurate with his or her capability or commitment.
  1. Charter Members. Members who join the congregation on or before Charter Sunday shall be designated as Charter Members.

  2. Voting Members. Voting Members are persons who have been members of record for at least thirty (30) days, eighteen (18) years of age or older, and made a contribution of record (a financial contribution recorded in the congregation's financial records) within the twelve (12) month period ending on the date of the congregational Vote. The Secretary and Treasurer shall prepare a list of eligible voters.

  3. Termination of Membership. Withdrawal from membership may be made by written request to the Secretary of the congregation. The Board shall purge the membership roll on June 1 and December 1 annually. Members who have not attended or made a financial contribution of record during the previous six (6) months shall be automatically removed from the active membership roll, except due to extenuating circumstances.

    The Board, by a two-thirds majority, may vote to terminate a person's membership when that person's actions are contrary to the purposes and program of the congregation and of the UUA. Such person must be given written notice of the termination, and reasons therefore, not less than fifteen (15) days in advance and must be given the opportunity to be heard, orally or in writing, by the Board, not less than five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. In the event of a vote to terminate, such a person may appeal within thirty (30) days of said termination to a called meeting of the membership.

Article IV. Denominational Affiliation.

This congregation shall be a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association and of the Mid-South District. It is the intention of this congregation to make annual financial contributions equal to its full Fair Share, as determined by the Association and the District.

Article V. Meetings.

  1. Annual Membership Meeting.

    1. THe annual membership meeting shall be held each year during the month of May at the church facility. The exact date for this meeting shall be chosen by the Board of Directors.

    2. Notice of the time, date, and the place of the annual meetin and of the business to be transacted shall be mailed to the membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. Notification by email or fax shall be acceptable in lieu of mailing.

    3. The Business of the meeting shall include:

      1. The President's report.

      2. The nominating committee's report. No candidate shall be nominated from the floor who does not accept said nomination in person or in writing. All candidates for office shall be voting members of the congregation and must be eighteen (18) years of age or older.

      3. Election of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors (as per need) and a three-member Nominating Committee shall be by majority vote of those authorized to vote in person or by proxy. Elections shall be by secret ballot. If no contest exists, election may be by voice vote or by unanimous consent.

      4. The annual meeting and special meetings shall require a majority of the voting members to be present or represented by proxies to conduct any business (quorum).

      5. Approval of the annual budget.

      6. Other business as may be required.

  2. Special Meetings. The Board of Directors may call a special meeting of the membership at any time. A special meeting shall be callted at the written request of twenty-five percent (25%) of the voting members. Requirements for notices and quorum are the same as for the Annual Meeting.

Article VI. Officers.

  1. There shall be Officers, Directors and a Nominating Committee as prescribed in Article V. The Officers and Nominating Committee shall serve one-year terms. The Directors shall serve three-year terms. The Officers and Nominating Committee shal not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. Directors shall serve only one three-year term.

    President. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the church and shall call and preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and business meetings of the membership. The president shall recomment for appointment the team leaders of all teams.

    Vice President. The vice president shall assist the president, as requested by the president or as authorized by the Board of Directors. The vice president shall chair meetings in the absence of the president and assume the duties of the president in the event of a vacancy of the presidency due to resignation, death or otherwise.

    Secretary. The responsibility of the secretary shall include the following:

    1. Shall be responsible for minutes of all meetings of the membership.

    2. Shall be responsible for minutes of Board of Directors meetings.

    3. Shall maintain the office membership records.

    4. Shall maintain the office minutes book.

    5. Shall maintain the corporate records of the corporation.

    6. Shall perform other functions as requested by the president.

    Treasurer. The responsibility of the treasurer shall include the following:

    1. Establishing the accounting procedures for the corporation to record all financial activities.

    2. Establishing and maintaining the bank accounts for the general fund and any other accounts and funds authorized by the Board of Directors.

    3. Receiving and depositing the funds of the corporation.

    4. Authorizing the payment of bills for expenses as authorized in the approved budget, or special expenditures approved by the Board of Directors or by the membership of the congregation.

    5. Filing the annual report and corporation fee with the State of Georgia.

    6. Signing all checks or delegating signing to signers approved by the Board of Directors.

    7. Preparing monthly and annual financial reports for the Board of Directors and the membership.

    8. Preparing an annual budget with the Finance Committee for approval by the Board of Directors.

    9. Serves on the Finance Committee.

    10. Filing of any other documents as required by the association or any legal entity.

Article VII. Board of Directors.

  1. Membership. The Board of Directors (the Board) shall be composed of seven (7) members -- the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three (3) Directors.

  2. Term of Office. Directors shall serve for three (3) years with one being elected annually. No Director may serve consecutive terms as Director.

  3. Powers. The Board of Directors shall develop administrative policy, is accountable for the business affairs of the congregation, and is the trustee of the property of the congregation. It shall make policies that are consistent with and help further implement the congregation's mission and stated direction. Large policy decisions are reserved to the membership of the congregation, and the Board shall incorporate the congregation's decisions in its work, as well as shall present major decisions to the congregation.

  4. Meetings. The Board of Directors shall determine a date, time and place for their regular monthly meeting. This information will be prominently posted in the church. Additionally, the Board may call special meetings at other dates, times and places if and when a majority of the Board of Directors considers it necessary for the orderly and timely conduct of church business. All Board members shall be duly notified. A quorum must be present to conduct business.

  5. Quorum. Four (4) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. There will be no proxies at meetings of the Board of Directors.

  6. Unexpired Terms of Office. Unexpired terms of office, other than the President, shall be filled by the Board of Directors at a regular or called meeting of the Board of Directors. Vacancies so filled shall serve until the next annual meeting. Director vacancies shal require election of an individual at the next annual meeting to fill the unexpired term, if any.

  7. Expenditure Authority. The Board of Directors is not authorized to expend more than $500.00 for any unbudgeted expenses or to expend any amount toward property acquistion or to make any commitment to expenditures beyond the current fiscal year without congregational approval.

Article VIII. Committees

The standing committees shal be hereinafter referred to as "teams" and shall be as follows:

  1. Membership Team. This team welcomes members and guests, contacts, potential new members, holds information meetings for those interested in membership, plans membership ceremonies, and is responsible for notifying the membership and the community of the church services and events.

  2. Sunday Service Team. This team is responsible for planning religious services.

  3. Fellowship Team. This team organizes social and recreational activitites.

  4. Religious Education Team. This team is responsible for overall religious education programs for children, youth and adults, including program development, teacher and leader recruitment, and publicity.

  5. Finance Team. This team prepares a proposed annual budget for consideration by the Board of Directors, organizes cash flow, and plans for fund-raising activities, including the annual pledge drive.

  6. Property Management Team. This team is responsible for the maintenance, repairs, and improvement of church property and coordinating with the landlord when necessary.

  7. (not listed)

  8. Social Action Team. The purpose of this team is to inform and educate congregation memebers and the public in areas of social concern; to find ways and means to rectify social injustices; to sponsor and support groups organized to deal with social problems; and to develop informed leaders to foster a just and peaceful world.

  9. The Board of Directors shall have authority to establish or abolish all ad hoc committees or teams.

  10. The President shall appont the team leader of each team from the membership, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, to serve for one-year terms. The Board of Directors and team leaders shall choose team members from the congregation members and regular attendees.

  11. The Board of Directors shall determine the manner in which communication and coordination is maintained with and among the teams.

(No Article IX.)

Article X. Delegates.

Delegates to represent this congregation of the UUA General Assembly and at the Mid-South District shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The number of delegates appointed shall be in accordance with the number specified in the By-Laws of the UUA, and the By-Laws of the Mid-South District of the UUA. Each delegate shall be a voting member of this congregation and shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age. Members can serve as delegates to the UUA General Assembly and the Mid-South District at the same time.

Article XI. Fiscal Year.

The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30.

Article XII. Parliamentary Authority.

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the congregation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws or any special rules of order the congregation may adopt.

Article XIII. Amendments.

These By-Laws may be amended or replaced at any annual or special meeting of the membership. The Secretary shall include any proposed By-Law amendments in the notice to the membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual or special meeting. A two-thirds affirmative vote of those members voting shall be necessary.

Article XIV. Dissolution.

In the event of the dissolution of this congregation and corporation, all of its remaining assets shall be conveyed to and vested in Georgia Mountains Unitarian Universalist Church, Inc., Dahlonega, Georgia. The Board of Directors of this corporation shall perform all actions necessary to effect such conveyance.


I certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the By-Laws of Mountain Light Unitarian Universalist Church, Inc. as duly amended by the membership on May 25, 2003.
