CT Report for 2016 SEP 12

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Submitted by Kasey Castleberry, Communications Team (CT) Coordinator
Team: Kasey Castleberry (KC), Geraldine Barker (GB), Laura Burton (LB), Gretchen Norris (GN)


(GB) Newsletter sent out to 26 Active* members, 113 to friends and previous visitors. 13 to new visitors. 0 unsubscribed in August.

Attempting to add analog calendar, but although it worked once, I’m having difficulty doing it again. Have asked for help from our UUA Southern District liaison.

On a random basis, I have been adding clips from other inspirational sources, at the end of the NL, but before Contacts.

New monthly feature: after discovering 12 newsletters from 1999, I decided to add a small monthly article including some activity from the corresponding month in 1999. (I’m giving the originals to Kasey to scan and upload onto the website.)


(GN) Nothing to report.


(KC) Since last report: 11 Tweets, 0 Following, 5 Followers. Still have just 2 Likes.


(KC) New music videos added.


(KC) Unchanged since last report.


(LB) Nothing to report.

(KC) First ad campaign reached 1474 people with 52 engagements (separate report) which is why the monthly reach is so high. Still, the post engagements of 780 is well above the ad influence. Our weekly comparison to other churches shows that while we are still doing better than Cherry Log CC and Pleasant Gap Baptist, we could learn much from The Orchard Church.


(KC) The website visitor counts have fallen slightly since peeking in June. September is progressing to follow that trend. The top page visits for the past 30 days: Home (208), Home page/Archives (34), Upcoming Services (32), August Photos (30), Directory (28), and About Us (22). The top News posts views for the past 30 days: Defying the Nazis (12), Courage to Care (9), and Mike Davis Passes (9).