Fiscal Year 2015-2016


Mountain Light Unitarian Universalist Church
Board Meeting Oct. 11, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Gayle Wood, President. In attendance were Gayle Wood, Carol Johnson, Kathy Romanick, Ann Low and Helen Greene. Terry was on vacation and couldn't be there. Minutes of the Sept. 13, 2015 Board Meeting were approved as amended.

Team Reports

Finance Report: Our net income for Sept. was minus $4000.00, mainly due to filling the propane tank and "The Gift," our contribution to UUA. We paid 3 months rent last month of $800.00 for each payment. No one was clear on which months these monies covered; Terry will be consulted for clarification and finance report will be approved at that time. Our assets at present are $21,660.

Membership Report: Average attendance last month was 37.5; there were 38 people present today.

Social Justice Report: Last month's Giving Tree netted some very useful items for MLUUC. Helen was impressed that someone brought juice for the children, and has decided that she will be responsible for bringing coffee creamer and juice, as needed.

Our Giving Tree project for Oct. is small stuffed animals for the Gilmer County Hospital. These will be given to children who coming to the hospital as patients.

Next month's Giving Tree project will be Thanksgiving food boxes. Kathy will find the families in need, bring in boxes, and have the R.E. children decorate the boxes.

Yukon Road Cleanup: New date is Oct. 24, 2015 at 9 AM. Daniel Elrod is in charge.

Newsletter/Website: No changes to report.

Publicity Report: No changes to report.

Sunday Services Report: Board discussed pay schedule for "friends" as speakers as opposed to members; we decided more deliberation is needed to come up with a fair solution.

Lease Report: No changes to report.

R.E. Report: Kathy reports that we have 9 registered children in R.E. All these children's parents have given permission for their children to be photographed. Everyone is seeming to enjoy the programs.

Fundraising Report: We are still needing a chairperson for this committee. Gayle will approach Tom and Gretchen Norris to see if they will take on the position.

Nov. 7, 2015 is the date for the fall yard sale. The R.E. children will help sort the items donated.

Kathy wants to do a silent auction/boutique as a pre-Christmas fundraiser. We will investigate this idea further at next board meeting.

Old Business

Terry was not here to discuss Ruth House.

There was some renewed interest in the MLUUC cookbook. Ann will contact publishers in Feb. 2016 when prices are lower.

New Business

Sandwich Sunday on Oct. 18 has been moved to Oct. 25, and has become a potluck. We will have the Emerson UU choir that day and we want to feed them well. Gayle announced the change in church today and asked for everyone to bring food on Oct. 25.

Kathy volunteered to help set up church for Oct. 25, as we will need all chairs and tables ready for the Emerson choir and potluck afterward. Gayle and Ann will bring card table chairs and Carol and Ann will bring trays.

Dogs in church: Gayle is very concerned about the legal ramifications of dogs biting children at church. This situation happened a few weeks ago. It was agreed that Carol will call Church Mutual Insurance, our insurer, to find out what coverage we have concerning dogs.

Lorraine Jones needs to be kept apprised of music selections for Sunday Services, since she and Kasey Castleberry will be alternating being song leaders.

No further business so Board Meeting was adjourned.